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Hello, Sweetness!

We grow within easy arm's reach of the people who care for us in cozy proximity to one another, making the most of our space and yielding more fruit than traditional strawberry production. And unlike other strawberries, no fumigation is needed on the land surrounding us.

Right at home

Because water and nutrients are drip-fed directly to our roots, we drink less water than other strawberries do, and we recycle it, too!

Happily hydroponic

Meet the happiest strawberries ever!

Something to smile about

  • Our ruby-red color and uniform shape
  • Our always-sweet flavor
  • Our proud link to Ocean Spray, a brand you know and trust!

We live in Santa Maria, California, the heart of strawberry country. We grow hydroponically — which means our strong little roots draw up food through water instead of soil. Our nutrient-rich diet helps us ripen perfectly on our elevated tabletops, safely pampered under big tunnels held up by hoops.

We believe that something as simple as a strawberry can help make everything a little better — from your day to our planet. Sustainably grown and sweet as can be, we give you every reason to smile.

Better berries for a better world